For the full story and great photos click on the link to the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group's website.
Watch video footage of Humpback Whale HBIRL11 on YouTube HERE
Marine Notice No. 15 of 2005 provides the following guidelines intended to offer best practice to be followed in cases of any interaction between small craft and large mammals within Irish waters:
· When whales or dolphins are first encountered, craft should maintain a steady course.
· Boat speed should be maintained below 7 knots.
· Do not attempt to pursue whales or dolphins encountered.
· In the case of dolphins, they will very often approach craft and may engage in “bow riding”. Always allow dolphins approach a boat rather than attempt to go after them.
· Maintain a distance of at least 100m from whales.
· Maintain a distance of 200m between any other boats in the vicinity.
· Attempt to steer a course parallel to the direction whales or dolphins are taking.
· Do not corral whales or dolphins between boats.
· Special care must be taken when young calves are seen - do not come between a mother and her calf.
· Successive boats must follow the same course.
· Boats should not spend more than 30 minutes with whales or dolphins.
· DO NOT attempt to swim with them.
Craft that do encounter any species are encouraged to log all sightings and to advise the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) or officers of the National Parks and Wildlife Service.