13 November 2007

Dublin Bay Sailing Club Turkey Shoot 2007 - Race 2

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Another Adventure - IRL 3511 and Grand Cru - IRL 1030 (Copyright 2007 Sailpix Ireland)
The action begins in earnest!
If you were there on the 11 Nov 2007 for the 2nd race of Dublin Bay Sailing Club's Turkey Shoot 2007, you know already there was plenty of wind, plenty of action and no shortage of incidents! New boats and old rivalries were on show as Another Adventure - IRL 3511, RIYC (Archambault 35) is involved in a close race to the finish with Grand Cru - IRL 1030, RIYC, CNB64.
Question: When is a 'Lift-out' not a 'Lift-out'?
(must be sympathetic) on a postcard to:
The Skipper, Grand Cru,
c/o Dun Laoghaire Marina.

RACE 2 Photo Gallery HERE (or click on photo above)

Remember, the Turkey Shoot is
a NON CONTACT sport!