30 July 2008

Sea Stallion (Havhingsten) tacking into Den Helder Harbour

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Extracts from Logbook 30th July:
09.30, log 743, wind south-east, 4 metres/sec. We have a 1.5-knot current against us as we begin our approach to
Den Helder. Our speed over the ground is 0.3 knots. We tack and head for the northern part of the approach.
11.00, log 746, wind south south-east, 6 metres/sec. We have a 2-knot current against us, but have a good speed. We go close to land to find less current.

12.00, log 747, wind south south-east, 6 metres/sec. We sail closer to the wind and round the point of Kaap Hoold. Everyone sits down to reduce wind resistance. The countercurrent is 1.5 knots.

13.00, log 750, wind east, 6 metres/sec. We tack towards the harbour, rowing with every second oar as we sail so we can advance against the current. This is working well and is a good exercise for the crew.
14.47, log 755, wind east, 3 metres/sec. We sailed into the harbour under sail and rowed under a bridge to the innermost part of the harbour. Mooring ropes secured after 122 nautical miles in 30 hours. Average speed: 4.1 knots.
Credit: Vikingeskibs Museet. 
Sea Stallion's current position - HERE

15 July 2008

Tranquility Basin

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Laura May on the River Scariff (Copyright 2008 Sailpix Ireland)
Out of Scariff, Co. Clare - heading for the river Shannon via the river Scariff on the motor cruiser Laura May.
12 July 2008.

River Shannon Photo Gallery HERE


05 July 2008

Sea Stallion from Glendalough (Havhingsten fra Glendalough) in Wicklow Harbour

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Sea Stallion from Glendalough/Havhingsten fra Glendalough in Wicklow Harbour (Copyright 2008 Sailpix Ireland)
Sea Stallion from Glendalough in Wicklow Harbour waiting for favourable weather conditions before continuing its 1,400 nautical mile return voyage to Roskilde Fjord, Denmark.
Special thanks to crew member Werner Karrasch, staff photographer Vikingeskibs Museet, for a very informative guided tour.

Photo Gallery HERE (or click on photo above)

Sea Stallion Position Updates:
12:30 hrs Sun 06/07 left Wicklow bound for Portsmouth.
09:00 hrs Tues 08/07 south of Falmouth having rounded Land's End.
21:45 hrs Tues 08/07 in Torquay Harbour to allow crew sleep.
21:20 hrs Thurs 10/07 south of Bournemouth heading Isle of Wight.
11:00 hrs Fri 11/07 in Portsmouth Harbour.
13:00 hrs Mon 14/07 left Portsmouth bound for Ramsgate.
10:30 hrs Tue 15/07 in Ramsgate Harbour.
21:27 hrs Wed 17/07 SSE of Lowestoft heading NNE.
01:00 hrs Thu 18/07 in Lowestoft Harbour.
08:50 hrs Tue 22/07 still in Lowestoft awaiting favourable winds.
17:20 hrs Tue 29/07 crossing the North Sea towards the Netherlands.
14:25 hrs Wed 30/07 in Den Helder, Netherlands.
09:05 hrs Fri 01/08 outside Dan Helder heading to Denmark.
11:00 hrs Sat 02/08 sailing NE towards Thyborøn. Wind from SW.
12:20 hrs Sun 03/08 in the Limfjord heading for Glyngøre.
16:30 hrs Mon 04/08 in the Limfjord heading for the Kattegat.
23:30 hrs Mon 04/08 in Hals, east Jutland.
10:45 hrs Tue 05/08 in the Kattegat heading SE to Isefjorden.
10:55 hrs Wed 06/08 at Kongsøre in the Isefjord.
10:40 hrs Thu 07/08 heading for Roskilde Fjord.
23:10 hrs Thu 07/08 in Gershøj, Roskilde Fjord.
13:00 hrs Sat 09/08 rowing, in sight of its final destination at Roskilde.
Final Update:
14:00 hrs Sat 09/08 moored in Roskilde - historic voyage ends.

Sea Stallion's current position - HERE