30 July 2008

Sea Stallion (Havhingsten) tacking into Den Helder Harbour

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Extracts from Logbook 30th July:
09.30, log 743, wind south-east, 4 metres/sec. We have a 1.5-knot current against us as we begin our approach to
Den Helder. Our speed over the ground is 0.3 knots. We tack and head for the northern part of the approach.
11.00, log 746, wind south south-east, 6 metres/sec. We have a 2-knot current against us, but have a good speed. We go close to land to find less current.

12.00, log 747, wind south south-east, 6 metres/sec. We sail closer to the wind and round the point of Kaap Hoold. Everyone sits down to reduce wind resistance. The countercurrent is 1.5 knots.

13.00, log 750, wind east, 6 metres/sec. We tack towards the harbour, rowing with every second oar as we sail so we can advance against the current. This is working well and is a good exercise for the crew.
14.47, log 755, wind east, 3 metres/sec. We sailed into the harbour under sail and rowed under a bridge to the innermost part of the harbour. Mooring ropes secured after 122 nautical miles in 30 hours. Average speed: 4.1 knots.
Credit: Vikingeskibs Museet. 
Sea Stallion's current position - HERE