16 April 2010

ISORA 2010 Series: SI's Race 1 Dun Laoghaire to Holyhead

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ISORA (Irish Sea Offshore Racing Association) 2010 Series

Race 1, Dun Laoghaire to Holyhead, starts at 08:00 hrs on Saturday 24th April. The organizing authority is the Irish Sea Offshore Racing Association in association with the National Yacht Club, Dun Laoghaire.

The Course (75 miles approx)
  1. Start Line - located in Scotsman’s Bay between the DBSC ‘Pier’ mark and an adjacent
    committee boat.
  2. Kish Lighthouse (S)
  3. North India Bank (P)
  4. Finish Line - between the end of the Holyhead breakwater and the Clipera Buoy, 0.6 miles off pier head, bearing 067(T).

Download ISORA Race 1 Sailing Instructions (SI's) HERE
Notice of Race & Conditions HERE

Charts & Pilot Notes (for general guidance - not for navigation)
    Ferry Times - Holyhead
    Local Notice to Mariners 2010 - Holyhead
    Local Navigational Warnings - Holyhead
    Tides - Holyhead
    Visiting Craft Information - Holyhead