ISORA (Irish Sea Offshore Racing Association) 2010 Series
Race 1, Dun Laoghaire to Holyhead, starts at 08:00 hrs on Saturday 24th April. The organizing authority is the Irish Sea Offshore Racing Association in association with the National Yacht Club, Dun Laoghaire.
The Course (75 miles approx)
- Start Line - located in Scotsman’s Bay between the DBSC ‘Pier’ mark and an adjacent
committee boat. - Kish Lighthouse (S)
- North India Bank (P)
- Finish Line - between the end of the Holyhead breakwater and the Clipera Buoy, 0.6 miles off pier head, bearing 067(T).
Download ISORA Race 1 Sailing Instructions (SI's) HERE
Notice of Race & Conditions HERE
Charts & Pilot Notes (for general guidance - not for navigation)
- Approaches to Holyhead Harbour
- Holyhead Harbour and Marina
- Holyhead Harbour Information
- Holyhead Pilot Notes
Local Notice to Mariners 2010 - Holyhead
Local Navigational Warnings - Holyhead
Tides - Holyhead
Visiting Craft Information - Holyhead