10 May 2010

ISORA 2010 Race 2 and RAYC & Lee Overlay Offshore Series Dun Laoghaire to North Arklow & back - A Roller Coaster Ride

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In fresh to strong, Force 5 to Force 6, NE breezy conditions on the Irish Sea, Saturday 8th May, Race 2 of the ISORA 2010 series in association with the Royal Alfred Yacht Club & Lee Overlay Offshore Series - Dun Laoghaire to North Arklow Cardinal Mark and back - proved to be somewhat of a roller coaster ride from start to finish.

Commenting after the race, one skipper recounted: "It was the toughest race I have experienced so far in the ISORA.  The wind was NE 20-25kts on the beam reach to broad reach in very rolling seas and beat back.  The seas never let us settle into the groove and any mistakes were quickly punished with loss of places and/or wetting."

All in all, a challenging day for man, woman and machine but one which will last long in the memory for all who took part - helped (or maybe not helped!) by photographs from the event.

Congratulations to Raging Bull - IRL 9666 (Sigma 400) 1st in Class 1 and 1st Overall and to Tigh Soluis II - 2377C (J109) 1st in Class 2 and 2nd Overall. Line Honours went to Galileo - IRL 1944 (Beneteau 47.7), 2nd on IRC in Class 1 and 3rd Overall.

Rollercoaster - IRL 9109 (Copyright 2010 Sailpix Ireland)

Photo Gallery HERE

ISORA Race 2 Report HERE (.pdf file)
ISORA Race 2 Results HERE (.pdf file)